International Conference on Image and Signal Processing
June 30-July 2, 2014, Cherbourg, Normandy, France.

Instruction to authors for the initial submission

Authors are invited to submit full papers showing original research contributions. The work should not have been presented or published or being considered for review or publication by other conferences or journals.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the Program Committee; additional reviewers will be consulted if needed. Paper submission implies that one of the authors will present the paper if it is accepted.

As for the 2008, 2010 and 2012 editions, the proceedings will be published in the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag. A submitted manuscript should be formatted according to Springer Verlag's guidelines. The maximum length is 8 pages in A4 paper size.

Authors should refer to the Author's Instructions on Springer's LNCS web site for more information on paper format and to download the style/template files (get them here). Please note that instructions on Springer's web site may refer to the "camera-ready" version of a paper. Authors can use the same instructions for their first submission, as well as for the camera-ready version upon acceptance of their papers. Authors are not required to submit a copyright form with their first submission.

Only electronic submission will be accepted through the conference paper submission web page. Please use only PDF format for the submitted paper.

For the initial submission provide only a pdf of your paper. If your paper is accepted, you will be asked to submit all the sources of the camera-ready version of your paper for inclusion in the conference proceedings. Acceptable formats for the source version are LaTeX and Microsoft Word (LaTeX is preferred), using Springer's style/template files. However, the use of MSWord is strongly discouraged since MSWord documents, especially those containing equations, often suffer from poor typesetting.

It is absolutely essential that submitted papers are based on the provided templates. Accepted papers which do not meet the requirements or which cannot be processed without changes will be returned to the authors and may not be published.

Latex Templates

Go to the online submission web page

Important notice for special session submissions:
in order to identify your submission as submitted to a given special session, authors have to select the appropriate special session in the list of topics when submitting their paper.